Lions District MidWinter Convention
Date(s) - 17-Jan-2020-18-Jan-2020
1:00 pm-10:00 pm
Delta Mariott Northeast
District 5M-6
42nd Annual Mid-Winter Convention
January 17th and 18th, 2020
Delta Marriott Northeast Hotel
There are a lot of exciting changes in this year’s convention, including;
- NEW LOCATION (Delta Marriott Northeast Hotel),
- NEW Weekend and Duration (2 days) of Convention,
- NEW Fellowship-friendly Common Hospitality Area (Friday Evening)†,
- Complimentary Beer, Wine and Hors D’oeuvres (Friday Evening)†,
- LIVE Entertainment (Blind River Band on Friday Night, Brass Menagerie on Saturday Night)†,
- A Great Theme and accompanying [Costume Optional] party on Saturday night.†
Our Traditional convention components will continue to inspire and inform, including;
- International Director Dr. Jose Marrero – Keynote Speaker†
- Informative Lunch speaker†,
- Inspiring session presenters (Saturday)†,
- Popular Service Project(s)†,
- And more!
For more information, visit:
The Midwinter Convention will be held at the Delta Marriott Northeast Hotel, 1330 Industrial Blvd NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413. The Friday hospitality room (one large ballroom, actually) will feature complementary beer, wine, and appetizers, plus live music by Blind River. The complete schedule follows. Tickets are $13.00, which are good for the entire weekend. Pay at the door and turn in a receipt to John Duncan for reimbursement (members only).